Anna V. Taktarova

City: Rostov-na-Dony, Russian Federation
Degree: Candidate of Philological Sciences
Work: Rostov State Transport University
Post: Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages
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The field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) includes leading developments in the sphere of science and technology, which immediately resonates with the educational space, so the development of AI in education is always a relevant research issue. The aim of the research is to study the current AI trends related to innovative intelligent machines and their practical benefits for the educational process. The paper provides a brief history of the emergence and use of modern programmed machines and the intelligent systems modelling them. Thereby an attempt has been made to make a live link between theory and practice on the issue under consideration. As the methods of research, we applied description, systematization, classification of theoretical aspects of modern pedagogical science, as well as objective data of the practical component of the up-to-date educational process. The main results of the study show that modern technologies involving AI will not be able to fully replace humans, as they are not able to think and feel like humans, so neural networks are currently assigned only a "second role": the role of informant/teacher's assistant. In addition to the undeniable benefits of AI, there are also real threats to humans: social, ethical, psychological, cognitive, etc. There is no doubt that education of today is undergoing profound changes with the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented intelligence (AU), ushering in an era when learning will become fully personalized, adaptive and suited to the individual needs of the learner. The graphical model illustrates the opportunities of applying AI transformation in the educational process, taking into account the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in the learner (student). Four plans for transforming AI in the learning process are described in detail: a softskills plan, a learner assessment plan, learning analytics plans, and plans for improving the student experience. A general overview of the development of educational trends taking into account the field of innovative technologies on the example of the Russian Federation, China and other countries (Spain, India, Brazil, Australia, Finland) is given, which constitutes the practical implication of the article.