Keyword: ««i am the way»»

The article presents the results of an empirical study of the professional development of psychology students at the branch of the Kuban state University in the city of Slavyansk-on-Kuban. The study involved 50 students of the faculty of pedagogy, psychology and physical culture from the first to the fourth year. The study used the following methods: «Who Am I?» (M. Kuhn, T. Mcpartland; modificationof T. V. Rumyantseva); test for self-assess ment of personality (S. A. Budassi); test «Motivation of professional activity» (K. Zamfir; modificationof A. A. Rean); test for professional identity (L. B. Schneider). As a result of the conducted research, the role of the influence of the «I» image on the formation of the image of a professional psychologist in the process of study in gat a University was proved.