Keyword: «“one belt»

The construction of the “Belt and Road” not only reflects my country’s comprehensive national strength, but also helps countries along the route improve their economic development levels and bring closer relations between countries. There are many coun-tries along the «One Belt and One Road», so the demand for foreign language talents is very large, and Russian language talents are one of the scarcer ones. According to rele-vant surveys and analyses, although our country has specialized Russian majors in col-leges and universities, its actual teaching model can no longer meet the specific require-ments of the new era, and may even lag behind, which is not conducive to the «Belt and Road Initiative». «along the way» development. Based on this, we must now pay attention to optimizing and updating the Russian talent training model from a comprehensive and comprehensive perspective, and cultivating Russian compound talents.
Major emergencies reflect a country's modern governance capabilities. National character is the general psychological characteristic of a nation. In the face of major emergencies, different countries have adopted different policies and measures. To a certain extent, they are all influenced by the national character of their nation. The COVID-19 outbreak has exposed enormous risks and challenges in the non-traditional security aspects of the Belt and Road Initiative. As an important country involved in the construction of the Belt and Road, Russia's actions to combat the new corona epidemic have brought us a lot of inspiration and reflection on how to promote the high-quality development of the con-struction of the Belt and Road. and build a public health community for humanity. This arti-cle carries out an in-depth study of Russia's national character, reveals the deep core of its anti-epidemic policies and measures, and analyzes this situation, provides background information for my country and other countries along the Belt and Road in the face of major emergencies, strengthening the national spirit and giving the importance of building a system of foreign discourse.
With the promotion of the Belt and Road Initiative, the strategic importance of Russian-Chinese exchanges and cooperation in the field of higher education has become more prominent. Actively promoting the development of regional higher education exchanges and cooperation with Russia is of great importance for Liaoning, which is an important province and region in the construction of the Belt and Road and the gateway to opening up the Northeast to the outside world. Thus, from the point of view of regional de-velopment of higher education, based on a generalization of existing achievements, Liao-ning can further promote the orderly flow of high-quality educational resources between China and Russia, improving top-level design, providing full opportunity for the advantages of disciplines and specialties, and building a brand for studying in China, promoting the development of regional interpersonal and cultural exchanges, thereby creating a favora-ble environment to develop higher education exchanges in Liaoning Province and cooper-ation with Russia in a new era.