Keyword: «integrative assessment»

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The relevance of the study is due to the contradiction between the orientation of higher education towards the competence-based paradigm of education, in line with which a comprehensive, continuous, practice-oriented assessment of the students’ competences in the process of mastering the BEP should be provided, and the insufficient development of scientific ideas about the essence of the competence-based system of assessment tools, which provides the opportunity for such an assessment. The administration of higher educational institutions, teaching staff and students faced a number of difficulties associated with the need for an integrative (continuous, step-by-step, interdisciplinary, complex) assessment of the results of education of university students at various stages of learning the educational program. This relevance made it possible to identify the research problem, which consists in the insufficient development of technologies and methods for the integrative assessment of student's professional development in order to obtain information that is significant for adjusting the content and procedural components of education at an engineering university. The purpose of the study was to analyze the quality of education at an engineering university using the technology of integrative assessment of the graduate's competence formation level using the example of the Kazan State Power Engineering University. In the work, methods of theoretical (analysis, synthesis, systematization, comparison, etc.) and empirical (literature study, conversation, questioning, observation) research were used. To obtain information and its further processing, a hardware-software complex was used using elements of artificial intelligence, which solves the problems of recognition and categorization of images. The obtained facts were processed using a special computer program (certificate of the state registration No. 2022680850 dated 2022) the storage, search and processing of which are implemented in the information system for the integrative assessment of students' professional development. The theoretical significance of the research results is determined by the fact that the results obtained contribute to the development of the theoretical foundations of professional training of a specialist by expanding ideas about the potential of managing the quality of education based on its informatization, computerization of pedagogical measurements, the use of a hardware-software complex and statistical methods of analysis, including numerical techniques. The practical significance of the study lies in the development of a technology for assessing the level of competence formation of an engineering university graduate based on the understanding of competence as the highest degree of professional efficiency. It is concluded that the competence-oriented system of assessment tools is aimed at implementing the strategies of control and assessment activities, and the worked out and justified technology for assessing the level of competence formation of an engineering university graduate makes it possible to achieve a reliable step-by-step organization of the process for finding factual and logical information about the student's professional development according to certain criteria and indicators.