Keyword: «intellectual environment»

The article notes that the process of transferring competencies to employees for the implementation of the production of a socially significant product requires such an organization of the interaction environment for producers, which has the properties of an organizational mechanism for assessing the social significance of this product. The intellectualization of the interaction environment is considered from the standpoint of an integrated approach. The environment in which the exchange of competences takes place must have a number of properties. First, it must belong (be mastered) by both those and other participants in the learning process. Secondly, it should contain a mechanism for verifying the knowledge and skills of both participants in the learning process. Thirdly, the environment should support the process of exchange of resources between the participants at the expense of information and technical means prepared by each of the participants. This thesis becomes the basis for studying the conditions of the exchange process, which determine the characteristics of the environment for the implementation of this process.