Keyword: «mental categories»

The article examines in some detail derivative words with one or another expression of the meaning “quantity” through interaction with various categories: grammatical categories (including categories of case grammar, category of number), macrocategories, mental categories, onomasiological categories, conceptual categories, semantic category quantity, word-formation categories, subcategories, formal categories, linguistic categories, which undoubtedly reflects different aspects and aspects of the organization of the semantics of the derivative itself. In addition, the article pays great attention to the content aspect of word formation, which directly represents a system of word-formation meanings (SD), united in various kinds of word-formation categories (SC), conveyed in various ways of expressing quantitative meanings. Linguistic embodiment naturally illuminates the substantive aspect of Russian word formation, including the relationship between content and form, the nature of linguistic meanings in general, the interaction of lexical and word-formation (derivative) meanings, in particular, as well as their shades. When conveying quantitative semes, concepts such as “semantic model” and “semantic field” are used. The relevance of the problem under study lies in the fact that the study of various types of derivative words in the vocabulary of the Russian language and the pragmatic use of the system of organizing word-formation meanings, as well as identifying the role of quantitative semes in the organization of the content aspect of Russian word formation, seems especially significant. The purpose of this scientific work is to describe the linguistic interpretation of the conceptual category of quantity using word-formation means in the modern Russian language in interaction with various categories. A derived word (DS) is considered as a means of constant production and reproduction of lexical units ex-pressing certain types of word-formation meanings (DS), just like the word in general. The unit of analysis at the paradigmatic level is a word-formation category (SC), while at the syntagmatic level it is a microtext, that is, a segment of text in which the complex semantics of a derived word is revealed with sufficient completeness.