Keyword: «mentality»

The article examines the specifics of the manifestation of the national mentality in poetic texts. The material was the poetic texts of E. Yevtushenko and A. Voznesensky. It is proved that poetry plays a special role in the formation and reflection of the linguistic picture of the world, it artistically shows the essence of the poet and the mentality of the people. The text created by the author in a certain culture is in a certain sense a model of this culture.
The article deals with the identification of mental differences among speakers of different European languages that allows to characterise the linguistic picture of the world of a particular people, its way of thinking and perception of reality. Identification of these differences is carried out on the example of phraseological units having a different de-gree of abstraction of the semantic structure. The proverbs and sayings were chosen as the units that characterise the way of thinking of native speakers the most brightly and clearly.
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The question of the importance of the spiritual values of the people, customs and traditions is raised. The concept of public education is revealed. The ethnopedagogical postulates of raising children based on the teachings of “Kut-Sur” are considered.
The relevance of the problem stated in the article is due to the orientation towards the revival of the spiritual and moral orientations of the younger generation, national identification. The purpose of the article is to determine the modern understanding of the problem of betrayal through the analysis of images of fiction. The results of the study showed the need for careful work on the formation of a worldview position.
The mentality of culture, as a historically and socially rooted deep structure, continues to interact and evolve. The inextricable connection between mentality and culture has long been recognized. They interpenetrate and form complex relationships in the consciousness and behavior of several generations of people, uniting different historical eras in the development of culture.