Keyword: «older workers»

The issue of raising the retirement age of Russians is quite difficult and painful. Despite the fact that the decision has already been made, the discussion continues. The attitude of the population and the expert community to this issue is ambiguous. When considering the consequences of the decision, both the positive impact on the economic processes in the country are noted, and various problems and difficulties that can become more obvious are pointed out. The article summarizes the main positive and negative aspects of the decision to increase the retirement age in Russia. In addition, the author of the article points out another circumstance related to the motivation of older employees, which can draw attention in the event of the emergence of the labor market a large number of age workers. With age, the work motivation of age employees in some circumstances may be reduced. And then the maximum possible results of the work of already experienced, Motype professionals may not be obtained by their employer. This assumption of the author of the article considers research results of motivation of V. I. Gerchikov.