Keyword: «scurvy»

This methodological development presents a social studies lesson in grades 6–7. The main purpose of the lesson is to develop the ability of students to use the knowledge acquired during the lesson to solve a wide range of life tasks in various spheres of human activity, communication and social relations. The development can also be interesting and useful for biology teachers and classroom teachers in educational and extracurricular work in order to form a healthy lifestyle of the younger generation, due to the practical significance and educational potential of the material used in the lesson. The form of the lesson is the presentation of the material in the form of a test. It remains to add that this lesson, in addition to the tasks indicated in the summary, solves another very important task – it is a motivational bridge to the study and understanding of what and how we eat. All the above-mentioned features make this lesson relevant, informative, technological, fully meeting the requirements for a modern lesson. This lesson can be used both for distance learning and for individual.