Oksana Vandrikova
ART 14824
The scientific article is devoted to the coverage results of the market research activities of higher education institutions in the market of educational services. The study showed that the same criteria used to select higher education institutions have different values for the surveyed groups. Considered the need to introduce a new measure for assessing the effectiveness of the institution. Educational institution after analyzing the information received from students and prospective students receive the data for the expansion and consolidation of positions of the University on the educational services market.
ART 54691
Accounting and evaluation of investment привлекательности предприятий
The article is devoted to the development of theoretical and methodological principles of accounting and analytical support for evaluation of investment attractiveness predpriyatiya.
ART 13265
The article is devoted to the investment climate of the Krasnodar Krai. The problems of innovative development and the direction of increase of innovative activity in the region are revealed.