Elena Morozova
ART 14325
The paper deals with the problem of designing the local information and educational space for the development of students’ logical thinking and logical reflection during the educational process. The successful use of regional portal in the educational process is determined by its structural basis and educational support, which determine the possibility of implementing pedagogical potential of the portal in the educational process and students’ logic thinking development.
ART 14293
The paper theoretically justifies and describes the main stages of monitoring of the reflexively conditioned students’ logical thinking; the content of the pedagogical monitoring of the development of students’ logical thinking; possible approaches to the organization of work on the diagnosis of developmental levels of students’ logical thinking and logical reflection and the readiness of students to the logical self-development.
ART 13238
The main stages of formation students’ preparedness for the reflexively-conditioned logical thinking development are theoretically justified and meaningfully described in the article. The structure and the content of the pedagogical system of formation of the 5–8 forms pupils readiness for the logical thinking and logical reflection development are suggested and described.