Irina Chikeneva

City: Orenburg
Work: Orenburg State Pedagogical University
Post: Senior lecturer at the chair of life safety and methodology of teaching vital activity safety
0 Publications in RSCI
0 H-index
7 PAPAI index
2 Publications in the journal


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The statistics of fires approves the need to teach children the rules of fire safety. It is necessary to con-duct continuous, purposeful work on skills of careful handling with fire, give knowledge about the properties of fire and smoke, and teach to behave right in extreme situation with fire. When learning the basics of fire safety, game technologies are of great interest.
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The study of the effects of man accumulation of heavy metals and anthropogenic pollution of the natural environment today has gained the great importance to the health and safety of the population. Emissions coming from industrial enterprises have the powerful technogenic impact on the surrounding natural complexes of the steppe zone, causing the disruption of the natural development of ecosystems. Plants, as producers, constitute the main level in the food chain of any biocenosis. Accumulation of heavy metals in vegetable organisms leads to their accumulation in the food chain and can cause severe diseases of humans and animals.