Keyword: «primary school children»

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The article is devoted to the problem of creative activity organiation among primary school children. The author views the principles of creation the emotional developing environment, which help to pick out the methods of creative environment at the lessons. The author determines the conditions for the effective organization of the emotional and creative activity of pupils and underlines the necessity of organizing the trusting relations between children and teacher.
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The article deals with the essence of the notion of the future physical education teachers training to the monitoring of the primary school children’s physical condition. The term “monitoring in education” is illustrated; the criteria, the features and the levels of forming the availability of monitoring the primary school children’s physical condition are highlighted in the work.
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The statistics of fires approves the need to teach children the rules of fire safety. It is necessary to con-duct continuous, purposeful work on skills of careful handling with fire, give knowledge about the properties of fire and smoke, and teach to behave right in extreme situation with fire. When learning the basics of fire safety, game technologies are of great interest.
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The paper proves the effectiveness of museum classes, which elementary school teacher conducts in extra-curricular activities with the purpose of realization of general cultural directions of personal development of primary school children in the framework of implementation of Federal State Educational Standard of primary general education.
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The paper deals with the problem of intellectual development of primary school children at the lessons of humanitarian cycle through specially organized exercises and activities to help elementary school teachers improve child development in the intellectual direction.