Olga Petrova

City: Ekaterinbyrg
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3 Publications in the journal


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Effective economic development of livestock is largely determined by the level of the state of dairy farming in the regions. In accordance with the state program of agricultural development and regulation of agricultur-al products, raw materials and food for 2008-2020, milk production in the country increase by 12.1%. The existing scale of production and food security of the population put forward the need for targeted regulation of agricultural policy at all levels of the industry, take urgent measures for the effective development of dairy cattle breeding. The most important strategic priorities for the development of agriculture, including dairy cattle, are the scientific and technological progress and innovation processes, allowing continuous technological and engineering modernization of all sectors of agricultural production. At the same time, the volume, quality and competitiveness of crop and livestock production significantly increase. The main producers of raw milk in the Sverdlovsk region in the long term are large agricultural enterprises, developing on the basis of innovation, with the use of labor-saving technologies. The effectiveness of this is proved by the results of the development work of several dairy complexes, which introduced the most advanced production technology of milk. Dairy cattle is one of the backbone industries of the agrarian economy. Dairy products occupy third place in the commodity structure of retail food trade. Given the wide distribution of daily proceeds from the sale of products, dairy cattle helps to a certain extent the current financial stability of agricultural enterprises, in fact, dairy farming is a kind of locomotive of development of the industry, consuming large amounts of crop production.
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One of the most problematic areas of pharmacology is a focused search for new highly effective and safe drugs. Modern antibiotics and synthetic antimicrobial agents are at the forefront in the treatment of bacterial infections. Their use in various infectious and inflammatory diseases reaches 70-100 %.Recently, for the normalization of metabolic processes and strengthen the immune system of animals and birds more and more attention is paid to the use of environmentally safe drugs of natural origin with high bioavailability , no side effects and addiction .Is highly relevant in the development and implementation process for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of animals , which are a consequence of the weakening of immunity with acute respiratory diseases , improve the immune system .According to the research of plant-tissue drug with immunomodulating effect showed high antimicrobial activity against strains isolated from sick animals E.coli and S. typh Imurium Use of the drug to treat colibacillosis and salmonellosis calves reduces treatment time and improves blood hematological parameters .Based on the studies recommend the use of plant-tissue drug with immunomodulating effect for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases , mainly colibacillosis and salmonellosis calves.
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The actuality and practical importance of the problem of respiratory disease in birds dictate the need for a broad approach to and epizootological monitoring that will allow to foresee tendencies and laws of development of epizootic process, develop a research-based program to eliminate and prevent the spread of these diseases. Ural economic region is one of the largest industrial and agricultural economic areas in Russia with developed infrastructure poultry. In this regard, monitoring of respiratory tract diseases of birds in the modern conditions of poultry in the district seems relevant