Irina Zagoskina

City: Ekaterinbyrg
0 Publications in RSCI
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3 PAPAI index
2 Publications in the journal


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The article is devoted to the problem of increasing motivation to learn a foreign language in non-linguistic university. It considers the issue of independent work of students, coordinated by the teacher. University curriculum gives insufficient amount of time to language learning, so it is necessary to direct and motivate students to study independently. The teacher has the opportunity to use various websites in the classroom and for homework to increase interest in learning a foreign language.
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The article concerns the matter of developing the intellectual culture of future economists in the process of professional training. The gauges of developing the intellectual culture are defined. The problem of effective inclusion of students into intellectual activities is discussed. The distinctive signs of educational process of a high school were found out, the diagnostic of students’ motivation was done. On the basis of research of trial work the levels of the future economists’ intellectual culture were defined: low, medium, high, professional