Aleksandrovich Aleksandr

City: Komsomolsk-na-Amyre
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Today, the issue of developing and implementing innovative forms of interaction and functioning of integral educational structures that would improve the quality of vocational education at all levels, as well as create an effective model of experience exchange, interaction, professional development and employment of specialists is rather urgent in the theory and practice of the domestic education system organization. One of such models is the cluster system, which is already being actively implemented in the educational practice of many regions, so there is a need to analyze and generalize existing experience to develop recommendations for further optimization of the process. The cluster model is based on the idea of cooperation, collaboration, dialogue between various subjects: educational organizations, enterprises, employers, public bodies, government bodies. We consider the scientific and educational cluster as a form of such cooperation. The purpose of the article is to analyze and summarize the practical experience of pedagogical clusters formation in the regions from the point of view of scientific and methodological interaction of educational organizations. The leading approaches in the article are the description and analysis of the "educational cluster" definitions as well as the existing practical experience of organizing regional educational clusters. The article presents the possibilities of forming a regional pedagogical (educational) cluster based on the cluster approach. This article is of particular importance for the development of continuous pedagogical education, improving the quality of pedagogical personnel training, mutual use of resources of educational and scientific organizations in the region. Based on scientific publications of foreign and domestic authors, it was revealed that the pedagogical educational cluster is a mechanism for strengthening the integration of equal opportunities, technologies and human resources in close contact with each other to meet the needs of a competitive teacher in a certain region. As a result of the study, the approaches to the creation of a regional cluster model of scientific and methodological interaction between pedagogical universities and Education Development Institutes in the implementation of the federal project "Teacher of the Future" in the subjects of the Russian Federation on the basis of the systemic and process interaction principles are considered. The analysis of the experience of creating educational clusters in certain regions of Russia suggests that the implementation of the cluster in the region requires the creation of special pedagogical conditions and testing in order to determine the effectiveness of the pedagogical specialists’ competences formation.