Elena Komovskaya

City: Bryansk
Work: Bryansk State University after the academician I. G. Petrovskogo
0 Publications in RSCI
0 H-index
9 PAPAI index
3 Publications in the journal


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In article the new literary direction a semiosferizm is considered. An attempt to give working definition to this current is made. Ex-literary and actually literary reasons of development of this phenomenon are allocated.
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In article the historical and art reasons which have influenced development of new genre category in creativity of Pelevin are considered. On the basis of comparison and comparison of novels of Pelevin with novels visions and post-modernist novels in article drew a natural conclusion on need to consider Pelevin's novels as independent genre category or as contemplation novels.
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The author views the new genre version, determines the main genre signs of post-anti-utopia as independent genre on the example of T. Tolstaya's novel "Kys".