Keyword: «genre»

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The article deals with the pecularities of the poetic style of the opriginal poem "The grasshoper-musician", written by Y.P.Polonsky in 1895.
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The author undertakes an attempt to study the works by A. Christie in the light of correlation of a detective genre and the genre of lyrical-psychological novel. Two diffe rent genres are distinguished in her creation, but it should be mentioned that, they do not contradict each other but create a definite complex, in which a detective story is influenced by psychological analysis and lyricism and lyrical-psychological novel contains tragic, detective element.
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In article the historical and art reasons which have influenced development of new genre category in creativity of Pelevin are considered. On the basis of comparison and comparison of novels of Pelevin with novels visions and post-modernist novels in article drew a natural conclusion on need to consider Pelevin's novels as independent genre category or as contemplation novels.
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This article is devoted to the characteristics of a written scientific medical text. A communicative-pragmatic approach is used for the analyses. The aim of the study is to determine the main linguistic and structural characteristics of a written scientific text for the correct and accurate information, which is presented to the addressee. The treatise is the first big scientific medical work, which has a written form and defines the initial canons for writing theoretical works in order to transfer previously acquired knowledge and experience. The constitutive characteristics of the modern written scientific text are defined as structure, genre affiliation, completeness, continuum, links in the text, interpretation, and pragmatics.
This article discusses the life and acting of one of the talented actors of our time – Benedict Cumberbatch. The author describes personal qualities of the successful artist and the main stages of his professional career, and also makes conclusions about the complexity of theater and film actors job.