Anastasia Tovt

City: Tambov
Work: Tambov state technical university
Post: senior teacher of the Department of Russian Philology
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This article analyzes the text units that have the meaning «household life household life» in the prosaic worldview T. Tolstaya and L. Ulitskaya. The analysis showed that the text units with meaning «household life» take a special position in the author's text and have special semantic, grammatical and functional features that combine both traditional productive and innovative meaning. Based on linguistic material has been established that these text units with the author's works in semantics T. Tolstaya and L. Ulitskaya have a number of universal and individual ways of developing the author's semantics in the text, reflecting the uniqueness of vision writers worldview. To demonstrate the specificity of the keywords used in this article lexicographic description techniques, as well as to use their own linguistic analysis of literary text.