Qingguo Li

City: St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Work: St. Petersburg State University
Post: Postgraduate Student
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At present, thanks to the rapid development of science and technology with the widespread use of the Internet and computers, the use of information technologies in teaching undoubtedly introduces a couple of powerful wings in education, becoming a means of changing the training regime of teachers, which makes teaching methods more and more diverse. It makes a university a bright and creative place for training that provides students with an open educational environment and resources, and can better develop students' attitude to learning throughout life and the ability to actively study innovation. Computer auxiliary training is a need for education reform, as well as the need to adapt to modern training. The rational and efficient use of information technology in teaching to fully stimulate students' interest in learning, mobilize their motivation and develop the ability to continue innovation is an increasingly important task. The relevance of the problem under study is determined by the fact that the model of teaching the use of the public WeChat platform is considered for writing scientific articles in the process of developing professional abilities among students. The implementation of the written speech skills in the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language is analyzed taking into account the characteristic features and advantages of the WeChat public platform in combination with the exercise system. In addition, an example of training course is given in accordance with the training model and designing the experiment. The purpose of this article is to provide a model for teaching Chinese students to use the WeChat platform to write scientific articles, as well as to work out an appropriate training program. Methods for studying the problem – theoretical analysis of the scientific literature, the study of the experience of teaching foreign undergraduate and graduate students to write scientific articles, generalization and systematization of data, modeling a system for teaching Chinese students to write scientific articles using the WeChat platform. The theoretical significance of this study is in determining the advantages and effectiveness of network information technologies in teaching foreign philologists to write scientific articles in Russian. The practical significance of the study is in creating an Internet platform for building the skills of writing scientific work in the genre of “Article” in Russian, and in developing a training model that takes into account the characteristic features of the speech genre and the specifics of online learning.