Irina Sablina

City: Jirnovsk
0 Publications in RSCI
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4 PAPAI index
3 Publications in the journal


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Modern junior schoolchildren are surrounded by interactive technologies and consider them as an integral part of life. The use of such technologies, in particular interactive whiteboard, in the learning process significantly increases the level of interest of children in obtaining information and knowledge that helps them to assimilate new material more quickly and easily. Improvement of schoolchildren’s cognitive activity both help to improve their performance and helps a teacher to bring students to the level of self-development and self-education.
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Psychological environment in the class is one of the characteristics, which shows the professional teacher’s competence. Primary school teacher have the authority among pupils, so he is responsible for their psycho-logical environment. The more teacher is oriented on favorable environment creation, the more pupils are solidary, friendly and successful.
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The article describes the psychological and pedagogical features of the transition of children from primary school to middle level schools, providing advice and recommendations to parents on how to help your child more effectively solve the problem arises-yuschie.