Alexandra V. Bessonova
ART 241158
The relevance of the issue of patriotic education of Russian youth at the present stage of society development is undoubtedly urgent, since patriotism is one of the main moral values of an individual, which is reflected in personal actions. While preserving the best domestic traditions of educational practices, today we need new effective tools for patriotic indoctrination that would meet the guidelines of Russian state policy, the requirements of innovative educational practice and the social needs of modern young people. One of such effective tools is creative project-based activity, which was the subject of the research presented in this article. The aim of the article: to present the experience of implementing patriotic education of youth through the creative project “#PRO100 HISTORY (JUST HISTORY”), supported by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation within the framework of the federal project “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation” of the national project “Education”. The leading methods in the study were: project conception and survey methods (interviews, mobile surveys). The article shows the main stages of the creative project implementation, describes the mobile exhibition exposition and its digital analogue, provides data from a survey and interviews with intensive participants and exhibition spectators, as well as the obtained results expressed in a socially significant effect: covering more than 10,000 participants from 29 regions of Russia , Republic of Belarus and Kazakhstan; in creating a finished product of creative activity (creative and information content, mobile exhibition construction, virtual exhibition, multimedia digital publication). The theoretical and practical significance of the study lies in the fact that its results can be used both in the theoretical study of the problem of developing patriotism among modern youth, and in organizing patriotic events.