Keyword: «allegorical plot»

The article is devoted to the analysis of the specifics of allegorical vision in the literature of England in the medieval period, taking into account the context of literary traditions and features of the mentality of a medieval person formed by cultural and historical conditions. The dream is considered as an artistic device and as a form, structure used by the authors of allegorical poems and called in the article the frame structure, or frame of sleep. There is an active use of the dream frame in Western European literature and discussion of the problem of the genre status of vision-sleep and its typology (J. S. Russell, A. spearing, K. Lynch, G. Phillips). The classification of visions according to Dinzelbacher is given ("allegorical-didactic poems in the form of visions and didactic-allegorical poems-allegorical poems and visions with a real basis). In this regard, such works as "the romance of the rose", "the Vision of Peter the Plowman" by W. Langland, "the Pearl" by an unknown author, "the divine Comedy" by A. Dante are considered. The conclusions of J. L. Goff and Yu.E. Arnautova about the evolution of medieval man's consciousness, expressed in relation to the function of sleep, to the sacredness of its status, are presented. The classification of dreams given by Cicero and Macrobius, as well as the interpretation of dreams by Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas, is presented. The author analyzes the features of the vision-revelation, related to literature, and allegorical vision, belonging to the sphere of fiction. It is concluded that the genre of allegorical vision in England is based on French traditions, synthesizing which with their own literary research, English poets reach real artistic heights. It was the form of sleep as an artistic device and as a structure that became necessary for expressing the worldview of the medieval European.