Keyword: «business incubator»

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The author presents the results of market research of prospects of innovative development of the region; level of innovative activity of the Penza region in comparison with other regions of the Volga federal district; active branches of economy of the region, the direction of the state support of innovative activity in the region. The factors, interfering the growth of innovative activity of the region are revealed.
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The paper is devoted the problem of virtuality in engineering education in the widespread use of information technologies. The use of computer simulation in educational process allows speeding up the learning process and reducing the cost of education. However, the problem of virtuality of acquired knowledge appears since learning is not held on real physical objects, but on their computer models. The survey among students aims to show virtuality level of their knowledge. The authors offers specific system solutions of virtuality of acquired knowledge in learning process.
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This paper deals with the recent trends in entrepreneurship development on the whole, as well as a number of ways in which state supports business. Current trends of small business promotion are studied and the prospects of entrepreneurship development in Tula region by creating business incubators at regional and University levels are considered.