Keyword: «charitable organizations»

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The article describe fundraising as one of the most promising method of financial management in present-day Russia, aimed at the development of nonprofit organizations. The difference of fundraising from other similar financial management tools is considered. The main difficulties in the development of fundraising in Russia are highlighted and the main tendencies of its development are noted.
Social protection and support for families in which children with limited interests in health are brought up, i.e. children with disabilities is relevant today for both government agencies and non-profit (charitable) organizations. This article uses the role of a charitable foundation, both for the socialization of children with disabilities. The article also discusses theoretical information about disabled children and statistical data. The paper considers the main charitable organizations in Russia, and also analyzes the work of the funds of the Irkutsk region in the field of social support for children with disabilities.
This article is devoted to the activities of charitable organizations and parallels are drawn with socially oriented organizations, participants in charitable activities. The conditions under which organizations acquire the status of charitable organizations are revealed, standing out from the general socially oriented mass. After determining the theoretical positions and analyzing charitable organizations into components, an analysis of the level of charitable activity in the Smolensk region was carried out from the perspective of the development of charitable organizations.