Keyword: «electronic tools»

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The topicality of the problem studied is determined by the necessity to bridge the gap between the rapid growth of the industry of electronic educational tools and insufficient didactic grounds for their usage in teaching and learning. The objective of the article is to identify the parameters of a technological blended learning model to organize digitally enriched instruction. The work applies the systematic approach which considers the educational process as a complex dynamic multi-level system. The approaches of technological designing and modeling of educational systems are also used. The analysis of scientific papers and works done in many different countries including Russia showed that the available technological blended learning models are based on the ratio of online learning at home to face-to-face instruction at school, with the parameters being inflexibly tied to each other. Such model rigidity limits its didactic potential. The analysis of the essential features of blended learning allowed to develop a cyclic blended learning model based on a technological approach. The proposed cyclic blended learning model consists of three components: 1) the objective which progresses from (1) primary delivery of content, to (2) its practicing and (3) checking; 2) educational tools (electronic versus non- electronic); 3) learning place (at school versus out of school). These three model components comply with the logics of the educational process and make up one educational cycle. The cycles follow each other continuously in an ascending spiral. The constituents of the second and third components of the cyclic model can be combined with each other in any variants and used freely at any of the three stages of the cycle. The cyclic blended learning model is characterized by goal-directedness, consistency, variability and flexibility. It can be used as a basis for building different variants of blended learning for the whole class mixing the components depending on a certain didactic need, student group structure, availability of electronic tools and other educational conditions. Besides, the cyclic blended learning model can serve as a tool of developing individual learning trajectories for individual students. The cyclic blended learning model can be applied for instruction in any subject.