Keyword: «engineering and aviation service»

The article deals with the established types of documentation for the aviation engineering service. The analysis of the accounting and reporting documentation system and its impact on the quality of aviation equipment operation is carried out.
The article develops a model of interaction between the aviation engineering service and the aviation technical service of the aviation unit during the engineering aviation support of flights, the joint actions of which ensure the stability of the functioning of the aviation system without aviation accidents.
In the article, based on the current model of interaction between the aviation engineering service and the aviation technical service of the aviation unit, the selection and justification of criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of interaction between these services are carried out, the main disadvantages of the interaction system and possible solutions are identified.
The article analyzes the existing methods and means of distributing personnel in the process of managing specialists of the engineering and aviation service when performing routine maintenance and repairs on aviation equipment. Their positive and negative sides are determined. A way to reduce the time of routine maintenance and military repairs, taking into account the current number of personnel and aviation equipment, is proposed.
Based on the current system of interaction between the aviation engineering service and the aviation technical service of the aviation unit, the article considers a set of organizational and technical measures aimed at increasing the level of their interaction.