Keyword: «heat flow»
ART 171044
The author discusses an opportunity to implement methodological support of a general physics course practical part due to the calculation and graphic work connected with climatic conditions design in premises of various destination that meet requirements for a comfort level in an occupied zone. Such task provides clear evidence of physical laws importance in building industry engineering work. The interdisciplinary relation between physical education and students’ future professional activities increases their motivation for studying.
In this article, using methods for solving inverse problems, we demonstrate the heat flux densities on the surface of frozen soil in pine and larch forests and in violation of vegetation and ground cover. We have studied the influence of forest fires on the thermal and moisture regime of soils in Central Yakutia. During a forest fire, vegetation and the ground cover are destroyed, as a result of which the average annual temperature rises at a depth of 10 m in the range of 1.5–2.0°C and talik zones are formed, which are accompanied by thermal subsidence. In subsequent years, vegetation is restored, and the temperature regime of the active layer goes into a stationary state.
The article presents refined calculation methods for the radiant and radiant-convective heating systems of greenhouses. Graphical changes of additionally introduced coefficients from the thermal resistance of the fence, air temperature, irrigation coefficient and soil absorption capacity are presented. The heat balance equation is presented, taking into account the thermal and mass transfer processes occurring on the soil surface. These methods allow us to identify technical measures on the basis of which it is possible to in-crease the energy efficiency of the greenhouse building.