Dmitrii Elahovskii

City: Petrozavodsk
0 Publications in RSCI
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11 PAPAI index
9 Publications in the journal


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A correction of physical education methodological support for the construction majors is proposed. It is made by including the fundamentals of thermal similarity theory and its application in the analysis of convective heat exchange, which plays an important role in various thermophysical phenomena, in the lecture fragment of the physics course. The article describes the main provisions of the physical quantities similarity method, justifies its use, and proposes a specific implementation of this technique.
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Convective heat exchange plays an important role in the heating systems of buildings and providing comfortable living conditions for people. The program of physical education for students specializing in building does not consider this circumstance; therefore, even a fragmentary consideration of this problem seems to be useful. The article proposes an adjustment of the methodological support of physical education for students of the building specialty due to the inclusion the physical fundamentals of convective heat exchange in the lecture fragment of the course, taking into account their absence in traditional curricula and recommended literature. Alternative solutions for this problem are also proposed here.
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Modeling of an electrothermal process in temperature field estimating is considered through the example of one-dimensional thermal conductivity. The use of this technique is justified by the need to consider initial and boundary conditions if mathematical tools are used. This circumstance complicates the process of obtaining analytical solutions and in some cases makes it impossible. The presented type of heat processes modeling is based on similarity of equations which describe thermal and electrical processes thus allowing us to recalculate the potential distribution obtained in modeling into the actual value of retaining walls temperature field.
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The author discusses an opportunity to implement methodological support of a general physics course practical part due to the calculation and graphic work connected with climatic conditions design in premises of various destination that meet requirements for a comfort level in an occupied zone. Such task provides clear evidence of physical laws importance in building industry engineering work. The interdisciplinary relation between physical education and students’ future professional activities increases their motivation for studying.
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Introduction of building physics elements in the course of general physics with the purpose of learning process motivational component increasing involves a deeper studying of the physical phenomena that play an important role in construction, but beyond the scope of traditional physics course. The mechanism of thermal conductivity considered earlier is responsible for heat transfer in steady state conditions. But the temperature field of retaining walls in real environment is not stationary because of varying outdoor air temperature and heating system operation. That is why its estimation should be based on the theory of unsteady-state conductivity. Calculation of initial and boundary conditions significantly complicates the process of analytical solutions obtaining for the most important cases so we suggest the use of alternative mathematical methods presented here on example of one-dimensional model.