Keyword: «identification system»

The paper presents an approach to evaluating electronic countermeasures to identification systems with imit-resistant modes of operation by creating signal-like in-system interference to suppress the response part of identification systems and suggests ways to improve the effectiveness of radio suppression of the modern NATO Mark-12A identification system with imit-resistant mode of operation M5.
The paper presents a mathematical model of the reference pulses of the signals of the imitating Mode 5 of the Mark-12A identification system, simulates the reference pulses in the MathCad environment, selects the parameters of the fast Fourier transform to calculate the spectrum of the reference pulses of the preamble in order to select rational methods of radio suppression of identification means and study the effectiveness of interference.
The paper substantiates the relevance of solving the problems of radio interference to identification systems, analyzes modern identification systems of NATO countries as electronic warfare objects, considers approaches to intelligence, electronic suppression and evaluation of the effectiveness of radio interference to identification systems. Ways of increasing the efficiency of radio interference by means of identification systems are proposed.