Keyword: «it technologies»

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In given article the author would like to pay attention to transformation of lecturer’s role and place in educational process and assessment process, connected with changes in high educational system and also makes a little retrospective journey in history. The basis of the article is the analysis of duties of a modern educational specialist. The term "an educational specialist" is used as universal naming of a person, carrying out pedagogical activity for the purpose of making distance from an educational institution.
The article discusses the solution of the problem of pattern recognition on images. As an example, the features of identifying individuals and car numbers when analyzing graphic information are disclosed. The focus is on the use of the cascade method in the recognition of objects in images. Certain aspects of the technical implementation of the cascade method in determining the faces of people are considered. The relevance of the article is connected with the use of IT-technologies in solving the algorithmic problem of pattern recognition.
The article discusses the use of automated tools to support the work of teachers. As an example the educational and methodical project on mathematics of "The system of the linear equations" is considered. Contents of the software application and the basic principles of work with it reveal. Authors described separate aspects of realization of system components and tools of a program cover. Special attention is paid to questions of programming at the organization of an examination of pupils. The relevance of article is connected with growth of interest in use of opportunities of IT technologies in educational process.
The article considers the priority directions of development of the information technology market, provides examples of the world's largest companies in various areas of IT, assesses the state of the world IT market, provides further development prospects, and considers the role of foreign countries in the world export of information technology.
The article discusses the issues of user authorization in web-systems. The authors consider the implementation of authorization in web applications based on Json Web Token. Particular attention is paid to using the Blazor WebAssembly framework and the platform .NET Web API as development tools.