Keyword: «user application»

The article discusses the solution of the problem of pattern recognition on images. As an example, the features of identifying individuals and car numbers when analyzing graphic information are disclosed. The focus is on the use of the cascade method in the recognition of objects in images. Certain aspects of the technical implementation of the cascade method in determining the faces of people are considered. The relevance of the article is connected with the use of IT-technologies in solving the algorithmic problem of pattern recognition.
In article topical issues of use of cross-platform applications for development of computer games are discussed. The possibilities of such programs as Game Maker, Construct 2, Unity 3D, Unreal Development Kit and CryENGINE are considered. Characteristics of each of program environments come to light during creation of different types of games. Special attention is paid to the description of cross-platform technologies of creation 2D and 3D of games. The analysis of merits and demerits of each of programs is submitted. The relevance of article is connected with growth of interest in use of solutions of modern IT technologies when developing game applications.
The article discusses the current issue of support of educational activities through the introduction of automated software modules. The authors analyze some aspects of the content and development of programs to automate the learning process. A specific software implementation of the educational application "Quadrangles" in mathematics by means of the C#programming language is proposed. The relevance of the article is due to the need to introduce information and communication technologies in the educational process
The article discusses the use of automated tools to support the work of teachers. As an example the educational and methodical project on mathematics of "The system of the linear equations" is considered. Contents of the software application and the basic principles of work with it reveal. Authors described separate aspects of realization of system components and tools of a program cover. Special attention is paid to questions of programming at the organization of an examination of pupils. The relevance of article is connected with growth of interest in use of opportunities of IT technologies in educational process.