Keyword: «meta-subject»
The constantly changing realities of life make traditional methods and technologies of teaching subjects ineffective and uninteresting. In modern realities, there is a change in established dogmas and established concepts. After the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, education began to rely more on the meta–subject of teaching, the discipline of physics is no exception. The use of modern technology is a great advantage and can greatly simplify the process of teaching this discipline. But how to use this advantage correctly is up to the teacher himself.
A school as an ecosystem is a dynamically developing educational environment that creates a symbiosis of ideas/conceptions about objects, processes and phenomena. But often, this symbiosis is completely unobvious to students. The role of the subject being studied in the formation of skills and abilities necessary for related subjects is not always correctly assessed. This article, using the example of models of three objects, demonstrates the possibility of synchronizing the meanings of various professional fields and school subjects of the physics and mathematics cycle.