Keyword: «military technical jargon»

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In recent years, the number of foreign cadets in military universities has sharply increased. While mastering military engineering professions, they learn Russian. According to the program, this is, first of all, the literary layer of the national language. However, in senior years, future officers in the framework of educational and professional communication (in educational practice-oriented classes) face the situation of using professional jargon by military pedagogues instead of technical terms, which causes communicative difficulties in learning some aspects of the educational content (i.e., problems in understanding the meaning of transmitted information, which causes a misunderstanding between teachers and students). In this connection, teachers of Russian as a foreign language have to act as consultants in explaining the meanings of certain jargonisms, which determines the relevance of our study (of course, clarification of the meanings of military jargon is possible only with the participation of military teachers). The purpose of the article is a comprehensive description of armored vehicle jargon in two main aspects: linguo-methodological (from the standpoint of teaching Russian as a foreign language among foreign military personnel) and linguistic creative aspect. The relevance of the work is due to the active use of military engineering professional jargon among specialists teaching foreign military engineers and the lack of appropriate dictionaries. The object of the study was the military jargon of tank engineers and motorists (77 units), which is used in the speech of military teachers and university cadets. The material of the research was verbal communication, from which jargon was extracted by the method of continuous sampling. The main method of the work is the method of scientific description, implemented in the following techniques: observation, continuous sampling, classification, systematization, interpretation, statistical data processing. The descriptive method was used to describe the meaning of jargon. The theoretical and methodological basis of this study was made up of works devoted to the issues of sociolinguistics, development of research work on military professional language, compilation of military jargon dictionaries, linguodidactics, and methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language. The article examines the linguodidactic potential of jargonisms, analyzes the ways of forming jargonisms, defines the form metaphor as the leading method of creative vocabulary construction in this area, identifies the main difficulties in the study of jargonisms of various groups. Jargon-metaphors are analyzed from the point of view of belonging to thematic groups, the reference to which allows us to optimize the process of mastering Russian as a foreign language at the initial stage. Jargonisms are described that perform a game function that reduces the level of anxiety in difficult army and military conditions and contributes to the manifestation of the creative nature of the jargon carrier. The authors consider the issue of mastering professional jargon by foreigners from the linguodidactic point of view, in no way replacing the mastery of the literary language with professional jargon, since students, due to their ignorance of jargon, have problems in perceiving the content of communication with representatives of military engineering professions. The results of the research can be used to compile dictionaries of military jargon (29 jargonisms have been introduced into scientific circulation), when teaching Russian as a foreign language.