Olga P. Fesenko

City: Omsk, Russian Federation
Degree: Doctor of Philological Sciences
Work: Omsk State Transport University
Post: Professor, Department of Russian and Foreign Languages
0 Publications in RSCI
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13 PAPAI index
3 Publications in the journal


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The relevance of the research is caused by the close attention of students to the resources of the neural network for creating texts. It is extremely problematic for a teacher to give tasks related to creative work on writing texts within the framework of linguistic courses, since nowadays the neural network begins to replace a person in this type of activity. Therefore, there is a need to use the generated text in the educational process so that it would help, not harm, and contribute to the development of text analysis skills and the writing of original products. The purpose of the article is to propose a system of exercises that allow productive use of generated texts in the framework of linguistic courses. In conditions when a teacher cannot control students' access to programs that create text, there is a need to turn to the productive use of neural network capabilities in the educational process. As the literature review has shown, methodologists and scientists evaluate this potential differently. On the one hand, the use of a neural network causes negative feedback related to violations of ethical norms, copyright and a decrease in students' motivation to write their own texts. On the other hand, we cannot stop progress and it is no longer possible to prohibit students from accessing text generators, which means that teachers should, keeping up with the times, use new educational resources. The article presents the results of the conducted pedagogical experiment aimed at identifying the linguodidactic potential of those monological text products that the neural network creates. The authors collected 96 such texts, analyzed their linguistic side, genre and stylistic diversity, and content. A thorough analysis allowed us to propose five types of exercises that make it possible to productively organize work with texts created by artificial intelligence: 1) exercises aimed at analyzing the correspondence of texts to the chosen topic and the level of its revealing; 2) exercises related to the formulation of personal position and its argumentation; 3) exercises aimed at correcting language and speech errors in generated texts; 4) analysis of the genre correspondence of texts to the topic formulated in the request; 5) creative exercises aimed at writing one's own original texts. The authors came to the conclusion that text generators can be useful in the educational process, provided that they are used in a timely and methodically competent manner. This is what determines the practical significance of the work.
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The relevance of the study is due to the ever-increasing volume of study hours that students are forced to spend at the computer during the pandemic, studying remotely. In addition, the development of computer technologies, steadily moving forward, has led to their active use as a part of the educational process in university education. So, the teacher, moving in step with the times, is obliged to monitor these changes and master new didactic means and forms of teaching. All this determined the purpose of our work – to describe the possibilities of electronic didactics using Internet resources to optimize and systematize teaching language disciplines (speech culture and business communications) to students of technical specialties. In the course of the study, a review of the Internet resources was carried out, allowing to optimize and diversify the process of learning the native language at the university. This reviewing used a system of general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison, etc.), as well as a method of statistical calculation. When describing the theoretical provisions of the article, the authors relied on general didactic principles (scientific character, availability, expediency, deliberateness, etc.) that determine the choice of the form and means of teaching students. A survey of students was also conducted to find their awareness of Internet resources within the framework of the studied language courses (questionnaire method). As a result, various free educational materials posted on the Internet and expanding the possibilities of university education in teaching the culture of speech and business communications are classified; the most successful resources are identified, their didactic opportunities are described (from textbooks and practical works collections to special websites and training courses). The practical significance of the research lies in the identification and description of educational Internet resources with the description of their didactic potential and specifics of use: language games, online tests of various contents, exercises, textbooks, linguistic crosswords, etc. The theoretical significance is due to the expansion of ideas about the forms of organizing a training session on speech culture and business communications, taking into account the use of Internet resources.
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In recent years, the number of foreign cadets in military universities has sharply increased. While mastering military engineering professions, they learn Russian. According to the program, this is, first of all, the literary layer of the national language. However, in senior years, future officers in the framework of educational and professional communication (in educational practice-oriented classes) face the situation of using professional jargon by military pedagogues instead of technical terms, which causes communicative difficulties in learning some aspects of the educational content (i.e., problems in understanding the meaning of transmitted information, which causes a misunderstanding between teachers and students). In this connection, teachers of Russian as a foreign language have to act as consultants in explaining the meanings of certain jargonisms, which determines the relevance of our study (of course, clarification of the meanings of military jargon is possible only with the participation of military teachers). The purpose of the article is a comprehensive description of armored vehicle jargon in two main aspects: linguo-methodological (from the standpoint of teaching Russian as a foreign language among foreign military personnel) and linguistic creative aspect. The relevance of the work is due to the active use of military engineering professional jargon among specialists teaching foreign military engineers and the lack of appropriate dictionaries. The object of the study was the military jargon of tank engineers and motorists (77 units), which is used in the speech of military teachers and university cadets. The material of the research was verbal communication, from which jargon was extracted by the method of continuous sampling. The main method of the work is the method of scientific description, implemented in the following techniques: observation, continuous sampling, classification, systematization, interpretation, statistical data processing. The descriptive method was used to describe the meaning of jargon. The theoretical and methodological basis of this study was made up of works devoted to the issues of sociolinguistics, development of research work on military professional language, compilation of military jargon dictionaries, linguodidactics, and methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language. The article examines the linguodidactic potential of jargonisms, analyzes the ways of forming jargonisms, defines the form metaphor as the leading method of creative vocabulary construction in this area, identifies the main difficulties in the study of jargonisms of various groups. Jargon-metaphors are analyzed from the point of view of belonging to thematic groups, the reference to which allows us to optimize the process of mastering Russian as a foreign language at the initial stage. Jargonisms are described that perform a game function that reduces the level of anxiety in difficult army and military conditions and contributes to the manifestation of the creative nature of the jargon carrier. The authors consider the issue of mastering professional jargon by foreigners from the linguodidactic point of view, in no way replacing the mastery of the literary language with professional jargon, since students, due to their ignorance of jargon, have problems in perceiving the content of communication with representatives of military engineering professions. The results of the research can be used to compile dictionaries of military jargon (29 jargonisms have been introduced into scientific circulation), when teaching Russian as a foreign language.
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Modernization of the education system is a necessary condition for its effectiveness. Within the framework of the latest trends, involving the orientation of the educational process at the University to the future professional activity of students, technologies, methods and forms of work, that enable to bring learning activities closer to the professional ones, become relevant. In this regard, a competence-based approach is justified. The authors of modern methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language believe that the communicative nature of learning is the main goal in this approach. The formation of the communicative competence becomes the main task in teaching Russian as a foreign language. Moreover, language proficiency is manifested gradually not only in the educational sphere, but also in the professional one. That is why training in the Russian language as a foreign language in teaching foreign students may provide maximum efficiency in the formation of successful communication skills. The purpose of our research is to introduce the technology of communicative training into the learning process as the most effective type of interactive learning that implements personal activity-based approach and communicative approach. We understand the communicative training as the creation of case studies aimed at the development of communication and speech skills, control and correction of the interlocutors’ speech behavior, subject to all communication conditions. The main method of the research is a pedagogical experiment. The result of the experiment is a set of communicative exercises, role-playing games and learning sessions in general, aimed at the development of the communicative competence of the foreign students. In addition to the experiment, general scientific methods such as analysis, synthesis and generalization (in the study of the scientific literature), the descriptive method, the comparative method, the statistical method (in the calculation of the results of the study), the method of the participant observation (in the process of the study) are used. The participants in the experiment are the students of the special faculty of Omsk Tank-Automotive Engineering Institute from Sudan. The effectiveness of the experiment is confirmed during the intermediate control in the form of an exam. The average grade in the experimental group is 4.75, in the control group – 4.6. The exercises developed in the course of the research may be used in the practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language in adult education.