Keyword: «modern society»

The article reveals the peculiarities of professional orientation in pupils of sports schools. How children from 4 to 18 years of age play sports affect the further professional path of the individual. Which leaves an imprint in the formation of motivation. On what principles the concept of orientation in the profession is based. The main predictors in pupils of sports schools. In many ways it depends on the education and role of the coach, on the created atmosphere in the team and on the formation of an understanding of the meaning and attitude to sport in the moral consciousness of students in the educational process of modern society.
In the modern world of advanced technologies, it is difficult to imagine life without the use of the Internet and the gadgets we are used to. However, even now there are social groups that have limited access to modern technology. The digital divide in society has a number of causes related to different social groups. This problem has consequences that negatively affect human life.
The philosophy of politics is one of the key areas of philosophy that aims to explore the nature of power and public order. The philosophy of politics permeates all aspects of public life and is of great importance for understanding the principles of governance of society, the formation of political institutions, as well as influencing political processes.