Keyword: «personality characteristics»

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The article analyzes the characteristics of self-realization of a person in middle age. On the one hand, it is the pinnacle of personal opportunities, and on the other hand, it is accompanied by a crisis, overcoming of which may be associated with significant transformations of the life trajectory. The purpose of the work was to study the characteristics of personality self-realization in middle-aged men and women. We hypothesized that the diversity of social roles performed by women and men would also be reflected in the peculiarities of their self-realization. As a result of the study, we identified the main trends in the self-realization of middle-aged women and men, as well as the qualitative features of their personal self-realization.
The Internet has firmly entered the lives of modern teenagers and brought a lot of problems, one of which is Internet addiction. The article presents a study of the problem of the influence of the Internet on the psychological characteristics of adolescents. The study identified levels of addiction, factors that influence Internet immersion, symptoms, and manifestations, and described the behavior of Internet-dependent adolescents. The study will be useful for teachers and parents of teenagers.
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The main feature of middle age is the process and result of reconsideration of values and the purpose of life and activity, which determines the relevance of examining these aspects in relation to men and women of this age period. We have assumed that the transformation of the sense sphere of a middle-aged person has a gender specificity. For this purpose, an empirical study was organized. The results of the study confirmed the suggested hypothesis, and also made it possible to identify the main distinctive features of the crucial choices of middle-aged women and men.