Keyword: «sensors of mobile devices»

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This study is caused by the presence of a contradiction between the modern tasks facing education related to the competence approach and the established practice of teaching physics. Changes in life that have arisen due to restrictions in communication and mobility, on the one hand, and the development and spread of mobile technologies on the other hand, have led to the emergence of new teaching methods. Therefore, the aim of the research is to find an answer to the question: how to make the learning of physical laws more effective, understandable and interesting for students using mobile devices? Learning outcomes depend both on the correct setting of goals and selecting the content of education, and on the ways to achieve goals, i.e. methods. But teaching methods are a social category, since they depend on the social order of society to an educational institution. The transition of higher professional education to the federal state standards of the third generation and the replacement of traditional basic educational programs with competence-based ones issues new challenges. Within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education, competence is understood as the ability to apply knowledge, skills and personal qualities for successful activity in a certain area. From the whole set of teaching methods: verbal, visual and practical, we will consider the latter as the most important for the competence approach. Practical training methods are problem solving, laboratory work and home experiments. At the same time, students develop the ability to apply theoretical knowledge, measurement skills and mathematical data processing. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to develop a methodology for conducting creative laboratory work in physics using a smartphone as a measuring device. It is the cognitive activity of students in the process of conducting laboratory work that is the object of this study, and the conduct of laboratory work in physics, where such gadgets as a smartphone are used as a measuring complex, is the subject of research. For this purpose, let us examine the Physics Toolbox Sensor Suite smartphone application (a set of tools for using smartphone sensors in physics). We will analyze in detail the conduct of a specific laboratory work carried out with the help of a smartphone, obtaining and processing the results of experience confirming the well-known law of wave optics – the Malus law. This laboratory work is just one of many examples of physical experiments carried out using a smartphone without special equipment, but with the use of household items and a smartphone as a measuring device. But most of the works related to the topic consider mechanical processes, but in this one, a smartphone is used for optical measurements. With this study, we will try to confirm the hypothesis that conducting such experiments will ensure the transformation of students' attitude to electronic devices – from considering gadgets as means of communication and devices for consuming game and music content and communication in social networks – to the factor of on-line education, and further – to the knowledge of having a powerful tool for research, measurement, data fixation in their hands. The use of portable devices is considered as a means of improving the quality of education, bringing the learning process closer to the daily life of students, expanding skills and competences, forming methods of independent creative activity that can be transferred to professional activity. The significance of this study is in the fact that it demonstrated the practical possibility and expediency of conducting laboratory work using a smartphone without special laboratory equipment. This work provides an example of the introduction of laboratory and creative works with elements of scientific research into pedagogical practice with the help of modern devices, the use of which acquires a new practical meaning.