Keyword: «social exclusion»

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The paper describes the results of the study of social-psychological adaptation of different types of under-achieving pupils, presents the program for prevention of pupils’ social maladjustment and the experience of its implementation in secondary schools № 56 in Omsk and № 355 in St. Petersburg.
the Article considers the factors of victim behavior of adolescents in contemporary social environment. The formation of victim behavior of adolescents occurs against the background of specific situational circumstances if there are four components of the mechanism of victimization: contextual factors, victimogene individual psychological characteristics of personality, specific emotional state, victimogene behavior. Depending on the age and individual set victimogenic properties in adolescents may form certain types of victimization, determine the different types of victim behavior. Highlighting specific cases of social victimization in adolescents is important for the implementation of the differential approach, which helps to identify ways to prevent victimization of adolescents.