Keyword: «socio-pedagogical activity»

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Description of the results of the pilot study of the factors of success of parents of surrogate families. Database of research were the parents of the summer visiting schools substitute families the provincial centres for psychological, medical and social support. Revealed significant differences of successful and unsuccessful parents substitute families. So, for a successful parent parenthood is a way to self-realization, to parents of their unsuccessful self-realization is out of function-"parenthood".
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Article updated problem substance use and their prevention in the teenage environment. A socio-pedagogical programme for the prevention of substance use among students, which implemented social pedagogues and supervisors of student groups.
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Personality-oriented technology training future social workers to the social and pedagogical interaction with clients. The technology is based on subject-subject interaction of the participants of educational process. Research on the implementation of personal and orijentirowannoi technology in the period of practice in the activity of b-ditch confirms its effectiveness.
The article considers the problem of pathological dependence on the mobile phone as a form of non-chemical addiction, called mobilemania. The author cites the results of surveys and questionnaires conducted among adolescents, which illustrate the seriousness of this dependence and shows possible ways of prevention of this phenomenon.
The article discusses the problem of adaptation of children during the transition from the primary level of school to the secondary one, describes the role of social adaptation in the continuous learning process of schoolchildren. The author defines the purpose of the work of a social educator with younger adolescents and also reveals the main directions of socio-pedagogical activity during the transition from the primary to secondary level.