Keyword: «special course»
ART 14101
The author highlights the substantive aspect of the special course on the formation of readiness of the future teachers to resolve and prevent conflicts in educational work with students; defines the method of forming organizational and communication skills, ability to control their emotions and tolerant attitude towards students and colleagues, skills to analyze its operations and activities students to solve a variety of pedagogical and conflict situations, quickly make the best decisions in emerging situations, etc.
ART 14258
In article the program of a special course for students of physical and mathematical faculties of pedagogical higher education institutions is offered.
ART 241179
The relevance of the research is due to the need to find practically effective means of training personnel for the rapidly developing pharmaceutical industry in the Republic of Mordovia. The aim of the article is to show the effectiveness of practice–oriented learning in solving educational and career guidance tasks through the implementation of a special chemistry course within the framework of trilateral cooperation between an industrial enterprise, university and school. The novelty of the work lies in the study of an integrated approach to solving the tasks set using the specific features of the subject of chemistry. Methods used: analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature and the authors' own experience, pedagogical observation, survey and questionnaire of students, statistical processing of results. The study found that the teaching of a special course in chemistry should be based on the general didactic principles of science, awareness and creative activity of students, clarity, connection of learning with life, and a positive emotional background of learning. In-depth study of the theoretical foundations of chemistry in their close relationship with practical application by solving problems and performing practice-oriented laboratory works allows us to simultaneously solve educational and career guidance tasks. As a result, students develop a steady interest in studying chemistry and practical skills for the work in a chemical laboratory necessary for further career at a chemical enterprise. The effectiveness of the proposed campaign is confirmed by the successful passing of the Unified State Exam, the choice of chemical specialties and training areas, and direct contracts with the enterprise. The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that the proposed approach is important in the strategy of vocational guidance of schoolchildren and allows for the training of future specialists both for a specific enterprise and for the chemical industry as a whole.