Olga P. Sazhina

City: Saransk, Russian Federation
Degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Work: National Research Mordovian State University named after N.P. Ogarev
Post: Associate Professor, Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry
0 Publications in RSCI
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4 PAPAI index
3 Publications in the journal


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Currently, the value of experience has been accumulated in the use of interactive methods in university education. Their application in the first year is associated with a number of difficulties due to the different level of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during the previous training, the change of its format, the lack of interpersonal relations formation. The study of the preparatory stage for interactive learning is relevant, during which the specified educational, adaptive and communicative tasks should be solved. The purpose of the article is to justify the necessity and study the process of preparing first–year students for interactive learning. The following research methods were used: systematic survey, interview and testing of students; pedagogical observation; statistical processing of results. It is found that traditional and active methods are effective at the initial stage of training, the use of which contributes to the formation of basic knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for their further development and improvement in an interactive format; gradual adaptation to university forms and methods of teaching, a new learning environment, which allows you to eliminate psycho-emotional discomfort. For the establishment of communication between the participants of the educational process, the optimal style of pedagogical communication is important, which should create the best conditions for the development of students' motivation and the creative nature of educational activities, provide a favorable emotional climate. The personality of the teacher is the main tool for the implementation of pedagogical activity. An effective means of establishing stable communicative relationships between students is working in small groups and using group interaction to study the material. Indicators of readiness for interactive learning are: the availability of knowledge, skills and abilities of their application to solving specific tasks; the active position of students during the educational process; the students' desire to perfect themselves in educational and social terms. The practical significance of the work is due to the methodologically competent design of the educational process in the context of the implementation of competence-oriented educational programs.
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The following article provides the description of a systemic approach to the organization of career guidance work and its deep philosophical understanding in the conditions of modern dynamically changing socio-cultural reality. The purpose of the work is to study career guidance as a part of an integral educational system characterized by the orderly structure of functional relationships and the ability to evolve. In the course of the study, a set of methods was used: scientific and philosophical analysis of the proposed approach, analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature and the author's own experience, testing procedure. The scientific and philosophical foundation of this study is the cycle of cognition based on the concept of transduction and functioning of integral systems capable of self-reproduction in form and self-development in content. The article suggests the author's approach to the organization of professional orientation through the implementation of an educational and adaptation course in chemistry with an emphasis on the cognitive abilities of students and the cognitive style of the teacher. Being the methodological basis of career guidance work, the course ensures its cyclical nature, which allows for an annual analysis of the effectiveness of this work and making the necessary changes. Career guidance events (group and individual conversations; master classes conducted by students, thematic evenings and discussions) are included in the educational process. A stable and orderly internal structure of functional relationships is formed through the use of cognitive technologies that affect the perception of vocational guidance information by schoolchildren. Its deep and complete perception is facilitated by a democratic style of communication and the establishment of friendly relations. Career guidance testing allows students to evaluate their cognitive abilities and stimulates the process of self-discovery. The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the proposed approach allows schoolchildren to make the right choice of the sphere of their future professional activity. The effectiveness of the approach was confirmed by the successful study at the university and the continuing desire to devote themselves to the chosen profession after the career guidance course. The proposed approach is universal in the context of the cognitive abilities of the teacher. It is recommended for use in comprehensive schools.
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One of the important and difficult stages in the system of multistage education is the transition from school to university education. Studying the issues of preparing students for entering a university is rather relevant, since the foundation for further successful education and work is laid at this stage. Analysis of published data showed that it is necessary not only to solve educational problems at the preparation stage, but also to include elements of adaptation to university forms and teaching methods, to form communication skills and abilities. The authors of the article propose an approach based on the implementation of the subject course. The purpose of the study is to show the effectiveness of an educational and adaptation course in chemistry as a means of preparing students of secondary schools for entering a university. The study was carried out using a systemic-philosophical approach and a set of complementary methods: analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature and the authors' own experience, students survey, statistical processing. The course is based on the principles of interactive learning and is presented as an integral system of psychological and pedagogical techniques, teaching methods, educational tools. The novelty and theoretical value of the work are due to the simultaneous comprehensive solution of educational, adaptive and communicative tasks. The effectiveness of the course is shown on the example of its implementation in a district secondary school for four years and is confirmed by the increased interest of school students in studying chemistry in the 9th grade and the successful passing of the Basic State Examination, an increase in the average score of the USE results. The practical significance lies in the fact that graduates who have completed the educational adaptation course acquire the necessary and sufficient knowledge for coping with university programs in chemical disciplines, they are ready for university forms and teaching methods, do not experience psycho-emotional discomfort when school system of assessing knowledge changes to the point -rating, and they have necessary communication skills and abilities. This course is effective as a methodological basis for career guidance work. It is recommended for implementation in secondary schools.
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The paper presents experience of innovative implementation of a role play “Relations between Chemistry and Other Natural Sciences and Mathematics: Issue of Leadership between Sciences” in Masters’ studies. Use of this method facilitates business communications, sustains mental activity of participants, provides team building and prepares conditions for creative thinking.