Keyword: «translation technique»

The article is devoted to the issue of comparing the professions of a teacher and an interpreter / translator. The author considers three types of translation: simultaneous, sequential and written ones, shares the experience of translation practice, trying to explain that the translator and the teacher are different professions. Being similar in many respects, they perform different functions. The article provides examples of statements by professional translators who believe that interpretation needs to be learnt. It is not advisable to mix the two professions, since the teacher and translator have different goals and objectives in the implementation of educational and translation activities, an attempt to perform them simultaneously leads to a failure in one or the other process. The author, however, argues that some of the methods of training an interpreter could form the basis for the program «Translator in the field of professional communication».
The gender aspect is actualized in linguistic research, which complicates the choice of translation solutions in intercultural communication. The necessity of systematizing gender specificity in the situation of developing correct translation solutions when translating advertising videos is substantiated. There were identified four main translation techniques (full forms, splitting, neutralization and creative spontaneous formulations) when translating gender-marked vocabulary in advertising videos from German into Russian. The conclusion is made about the patriarchal attitude in the German-Russian language pair and its different perception by the speakers of these languages.