Sergei Vorkachev
ART 86920
In lexicography material and internet communication investigates the semantic content of lexical units of "decency" and "a decent man". It is established that decency - the integral property of the person, and reduce the frequency of its use of speech parameters is explained in the fragmentation and corporatization of everyday morality.
ART 85328
For example, the use of modern speech lexical items "this country", "concepts", "cattle" and "amateur" explores the concept of axiological variation linguocultural as the ability to change the name depending on the setting of the subject of the question.
ART 54367
The verbal representation of the patriotic idea in the Russian ethics and mentality is considered, the general correspondence between semantic features of one’s own country and the nation is shown, the difference between the “civil country” and the “ethnic country” is established.