Varvara Vykolova

City: Tambov
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3 Publications in the journal


In article the analysis of the signs symbols "life shadow" and "Yakov's ladder" which allow to realize a plan of the author of the novel is given and to define the central idea of the work consisting in a thought of need of transformation of "life in life", of the importance of spiritual development of the person which needs to define sense of the life correctly. It is proved that two case phenomena are conceptual symbols, dividing characters into two groups: living terrestrial life (Marusya, Heinrich) and seeking for transformation of "life in life".
Article contains results of studying of functionality of the artistic touch used by L. E. Ulitskaya in many works 1990 – 2015kh years for expression of an author's position in the art text. It is about introduction of the signs symbols performing functions of the words signaling that directly the opinion on this or that act of the hero or on any event represented in the work expressed by the storyteller is author's provocation contains a language ironical game with the reader behind which it is necessary to find the truth. Signs symbols are considered in the story "Queen of spades", the story "Through Line" and novels "Medea and Its Children" and "Green Tent". The prospect of the analysis of the words signals "life shadow" and "Yakov's ladder" in the novel of 2015 "Yakov's Ladder" is also planned. The main conclusion is drawn that in L prose. Ulitskaya the case phenomena playing a role of words signals at the same time carry out a role of the markers indicating true author's assessment of characters, reveal an author's plan and the main idea of the work.
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The paper analyses intertext inclusions from the Silver age poets’ creative work and “red poets” images into L. Ulitskaya’s and Z.Prilepin’s novels. The definition of the author’s position is regarded as the main poetic function of intertext items. It is proved that in the work of both writers “red” poets’ images make for reveal-ing the main idea of the novels delineating characters’ function as well as disclosing the function of peculiar historical epochs: the post-revolutionary 1920s in Z. Prilepin’s novel and the Post-Stalin 1960s-1980s in L.Ulitskaya’s one; intertext items from I. Annensky, K. Balmont, A.Blok, V. Bryusov, S.Esenin, K. Sluchev-sky, F.Sologub and others help to define the mentality of Russian character. The Silver age poetry is con-cluded to be conceptual for the novels Green Marquee and Abode owing to the authors’ comprehension of Russian literature-based mental outlook which doesn’t always have creative spiritual sense.