Natalya Hmizova

City: Orel
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The change in the further progressive development of society is associated with ensuring the rates of economic growth, giving our economy an innovative character. The key to the success of the innovative activity of the society is the dynamic development of all sectors of the economy, including education and high-quality professional growth of qualified human resources. The Government of the Russian Federation, when developing a national project in the field of education, is instructed to proceed from the statement that it is necessary to achieve the following goals and targets by 2024. These are to ensure global competitiveness of Russian education, to provide for the Russian Federation a place among top 10 countries in the world in terms of general education quality. The main aspect is the upbringing of a harmoniously developed and socially responsible person on the basis of the spiritual and moral values of the peoples of the Russian Federation, historical and national cultural traditions. According to the strategy, the necessary condition for the trajectory of innovative development is the provision of an information environment for vocational education, which is the basis for dynamic economic growth and social development of society, a factor in the well-being of citizens and the security of the country. The reform of vocational education is carried out through the development of a new generation of state educational standards and appropriate teaching and methodological support, as well as the expansion of interaction between educational institutions and employers, the development of academic mobility programs for students, teachers, researchers, and administrative personnel. An important aspect of the problem under study is to provide in the process of vocational training active engagement of students in the project activity, by solving professional problems through project activities. These do not require a clear attachment to the type and structure of the lesson, the topic of the lesson, the subject itself. Project tasks have a creative component in professional work. Solving them, students are not limited to the scope of the usual learning task, they are free to invent, fantasize. The main goal of the project tasks is to involve the trainees in thinking about what is unknown, the formation of different ways of cooperation. The main condition is the ability to transfer known methods of actions (knowledge, skills) to a new practical situation for them, where the result would be an actually created product (text, chart, etc.). In addition, the article presents the technology of vocational training to improve the educational process of middle-level specialists training in the technical school and suggests a model aimed at the formation of cultural and professional competences based on the fulfillment of a number of pedagogical conditions. This, in turn, actualizes the consideration of the pedagogical conditions of education in the technical school. The set of pedagogical conditions is a set of related components aimed at achieving the main result - the development of professional knowledge, skills and abilities of trainees and raising the level of general scientific and professional culture. As a result of the study, we have identified scientifically based pedagogical and methodological recommendations for the use of a business simulator in vocational training in the educational environment of a technical school. Thus, there are contradictions between the ambition of teachers and masters of professional educational institutions to promote cognitive activity, to develop creative abilities of students in conditions of professional training and the lack of necessary didactic and methodological support in the educational environment. This explains the need of carrying out research aimed at identifying modern methods of teaching students to implement creative projects as one of the most important aspects of this problem. The article will be interesting for teachers, instructors of vocational training, post-graduate students, undergraduates, as well as for the managers at all levels of professional education.
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To implement the competence approach in the training of management personnel, it is very important to build a trajectory of individual professional development and to determine effective mechanisms for the development of general cultural and professional competencies. This research aspect undoubtedly emphasizes the relevance of the research. Consequently, the spectrum of the claimed personal qualities of young specialists is changing, as well as the formation of their subjective position, the need for the development of creative thinking, and the high level of professional readiness. In this regard, there is a need for a qualitative and meaningful change in teaching forms, methods and techniques, technologies aimed at the ability to solve problems in professional activity effectively. Thus, the purpose of the research is the need to develop and introduce in the educational process specific pedagogical innovations and techniques that take into account the demands of society and employers’ requirements to a bachelor. The main method in the investigated problem is the definition and validity of pedagogical conditions for the establishment of managerial activity in bachelors: the involvement of employers in the development of a modular program for professional education aimed at the formation and development of managerial competencies; a combination of various forms and methods of training that allow to increase educational motivation and stimulate cognitive activity of students; substantiation and implementation of the system for diagnosing establishment and development of managerial competencies in future bachelors; application of innovative technologies in educational system. The article presents a technological model for the establishment of managerial competencies, the purpose of which is to develop managerial competencies in bachelors that ensure the availability of managerial competence. The developed technological model is based on the conceptual provisions of systematic, competence, personality-oriented and contextual approaches and consists of four structural blocks that reveal the purpose, content, stages of competencies development, methods used, forms, teaching aids, and pedagogical conditions using modular educational professional training programs. As a result of the study, we found that the use of this program allows the future bachelor to choose the trajectory of training independently, taking into account his interests, needs and level of knowledge, thus ensuring the individualization of the professional education process. At the same time, it was revealed that the combination of various active forms and methods of teaching (round table, discussion, team training, independent work, case-method, problem methods, game methods, visualization methods) form appreciatory attitude of students to the establishment of managerial competencies as a result of the program development, positive motives of professional training and stimulates cognitive activity. The article may be interesting for teachers of professional training, post-graduate students, undergraduates, and also for managers of all levels.