Ekaterina Lazarenko

City: Volgograd
Work: Volgograd State Social-Pedagogical University
Post: Associate Professor at the chair of pedagogics of preschool education
0 Publications in RSCI
0 H-index
9 PAPAI index
2 Publications in the journal


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This article examines the relevance of such an issue as the formation of ecological thinking among adolescent students, it also shows how strong is an anthropocentric ecological thinking in people and how it affects the solution of modern environmental problems. The purpose of this study is to identify the level of formation of three components of environmental thinking among adolescent students: cognitive (the level of environmental knowledge of adolescents), emotional-volitional (the value of nature and attitude to nature) and motivational-effective (environmental activity). Quantitative and qualitative methods used to analyze and interpret the data obtained in our study showed the following results: adolescents were more likely to feel worries about problems related to the environment than to do something directly to improve the situation, that is, adolescents have an emotional-volitional component developed better than motivational-effective one.
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The article describes the peculiarities of a modern preschooler’s playing based on observations during practical interaction with children of preschool age, defines the influence of playing on the development of the child's personality. The authors consider components of the game, such as a plot, a role; children's preferences in the choice of the plot, as well as the influence of parents on preschoolers’ playing.
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The author coveres the issue of interaction of preschooler and nature. The rules of interaction with nature based on the method of nonviolent communication, accessible both for adults and children, are revealed in the article.