Anjela Klueva

City: Rostov-na-Dony
0 Publications in RSCI
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5 PAPAI index
2 Publications in the journal


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The article is devoted to the analysis of the linguistic features for creating retrospective and prospective images in the story «The solitaire» of American writer John Updike. The notion of polyreality is considered as a place in the fiction text where a combination of three temporary layers – the past, the present and the future – is actualized. The analysis of the story reveals the linguistic peculiarities of the presentation of events, facts, images, psychological condition that embraced the main character. The main focus is made on language with the help of which temporal shifts, segmentation of literary space and psycho-narration are formed.
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The article is devoted to the analysis of the colour-naming words “silver” and “gold”. The author researches symbolic meanings of these colours in the early stories by American writer John Updike, as well as the peculiarities of silver and gold colours using for creating associative- subjective and objective images of the surrounding world. The means of each colour expression links, contexts of usage, as well as the role of colour motives in describing the appearance of heroes, objects and phenomena are studied. Moreover, their role for creating imagery of the actions, states, environment of narrative world in the writer's stories is also explored.