Olga V. Elcova

City: Nadim, Russian Federation
Work: Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 3”
Post: Primary School Teacher
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The relevance of developing digital literacy among students starting from primary school age is proven by numerous foreign and domestic studies of educators. Since the beginning of the pandemic, scientists have shown interest in studying the attitudes of various participants in educational relations to the difficulties arising during distance learning. They note that the low level of digital literacy of students and teachers negatively affects the process of distance learning. Basically, research is aimed at identifying the attitudes of teachers, students and their parents towards distance learning. In order to maintain and improve the quality of education, it is necessary to identify and take into account the reasons that negatively and positively affect the quality of distance lessons, identify successful practices and use this knowledge for designing the educational process. The purpose of this work is to study the influence of the level of digital literacy of primary school teachers and students on the quality of distance lessons (quality of the process), to study differences in the behavior of teachers and students when switching to distance learning. The research methods used were a survey of primary school teachers, subject teachers (English, music and physical education teachers), and analysis of the responses received. The study showed that the density of lessons in a distance format is significantly influenced by both the level of digital literacy of the teacher and the level of digital literacy of the student. Teachers with an “above average” level of digital literacy quickly find ways to solve emerging technical problems, quickly solve the problem of replacing “problematic” digital resources by searching for alternative options, creating original assignments, and more often use interactive methods, involving students in the educational process. Students with a higher level of digital literacy adapt more quickly to the conditions of distance learning, more often make attempts to independently solve emerging technical problems, and at the same time have higher demands on the content of a distance lesson. Such students have higher chances of building their individual development trajectory. The theoretical and practical significance of the work lies in the possibility of using the obtained information when organizing methodological work with primary school teachers in order to improve the quality of distance lessons.