Tatyana Gavrilova
ART 15269
Didactic game is a multifaceted complex pedagogical phenomenon: it is the playing method of teaching and learning children, independent gaming activity, mean of all-round education of a child's personality. In educational institutions, the educational games are held usually in order to repeat, pin and check under-standing of the studied material. The use of didactic games received its greatest impetus in connection with the application of computers in educational process. Computer educational games become means of formation of students' computer literacy, learning programming languages, formation of work with computers. The paper deals with classification of didactic games, analysis of existing didactic computer games.
ART 14138
The authors propose to consider the concept of “developing computer game” not only as a learning tool, but also as an object of design, reorienting the gaming activities of pupils on the process of creating your own game projects. The authors investigate the willingness of pupils to design computer games and propose variants of programs that can be used as a tool for implementation of the gaming applications.